Sidley Still Thinks They Handled Partner’s Suicide Correctly. His Widow Disagrees.

The 2018 death by suicide of Sidley Austin partner Gabe MacConaill has drawn attention again after Financial Times featured his death in an article about mental health issues in the workplace. In that same article, his widow, Joanna Litt, voices her anger at the firm for the events that led up to her husband’s death and for the firm’s lack of a robust response since MacConaill died.

Above the Law tells the story of how MacConaill’s death has become part of a larger conversation.

“The two managing partners of the bankruptcy division did not call me, email me, send me a letter,” she says. “I still haven’t heard from either partner. I also didn’t hear from the slightly senior partner who Gabe was working [on the bankruptcy case] with. None of them.”

Read the article.