4-Part Series: The Corporate Information Governance Program

Sherpa 4-part seriesSherpa Software is offering a complimentary four-part white paper series on enterprise information governance.

This series, titled Corporate Information Governance Program (CIGP), helps organizations create a trustworthy enterprise-wide program to facilitate effective management of information authority, control, accessibility and visibility throughout the information lifecycle. This methodology is typically referred to as information governance, which is a set of multifaceted policies, procedures and controls that help companies manage legal, regulatory, operational and other risks.

Author Rick Wilson describes a proven process for undertaking an information governance program from understanding and assessment to planning and documenting then implementation and finally the ongoing management. Download the four parts below:

Part 1: “Implementing an Information Governance Program: The Planning Process”
Part 2: “Building Your Roadmap: The Plan & Document Phase
Part 3: “Exploring the Implementation Phase
Part 4: “The Management Stage”