Why You Should Make Your Documents Look Good

SeyfarthLean Consulting has published a free white paper saying that design isn’t just about making things look nice, it is about finding ways to more clearly, efficiently, and effectively convey information from one person to another and do so without making the experience dreadful.

“I see several reasons that lawyers should bring designers into the process and change the look and feel of what they produce,” writes Kenneth Grady. “Before I enumerate a few, let’s talk the twenty-first century. We are in a visual age, which actually works well for humans because our brains work well with visual information. Look around and you will see that you are bombarded with information visually, sometimes overtly and sometimes in the form of subtle cues. Visual information can be quite complex or very simple, but we shouldn’t dismiss information just because it is visual.”

Design thinking will teach you how to be a lawyer whose clients come first,” he writes.

Read the white paper.