Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives

Register for the Healthcare Enforcement Compliance Institute

The Healthcare Compliance Institute is scheduled for Oct. 29-Nov. 1 in Washington, DC.

The event will give participants the opportunity to go beyond legal analysis, learn how to implement systems that ensure the law is followed, and gain practical advice from experts in a one-of-a-kind forum where lawyers and compliance officers work together, according to the Health Care Compliance Association.

Some of the topics to be covered include:

  • Are We Ineffective at Assessing Compliance Program Effectiveness or Are Industry and Government Using Different Standards?
  • Handling a Criminal Healthcare Fraud Case
  • Tips and Tools for Mitigating CMS Enforcement Actions
  • Using Data and Statistics to Defend Against Health Care Enforcement
  • Your Company Has Been Served with a Civil Investigative Demand: Now What?
  • Managed Care Fraud Enforcement & Compliance

Register or get more information.



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