Provisionally Patented: The Strategic Use of Effective Provisional Applications

Fitch EvenFitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery LLP presents a complimentary webinar, “Provisionally Patented: The Strategic Use of Effective Provisional Applications.” The one-hour webinar will take place on Thursday, August 28, 2014, at 11 a.m. CDT.

U.S. provisional patent applications have very few formal requirements. Accordingly, they can be an effective tool used by inventors, businesses, and their patent attorneys to quickly obtain an early filing date at little cost, which can be particularly useful with the current first-to-file system under the America Invents Act. But although provisionals are subject to few requirements of form, to have any value they still must satisfy the same legal disclosure requirements of nonprovisional applications. An effectual provisional application filing strategy should therefore find the right balance of speed and efficiency without sacrificing quality of disclosure.

The webinar will cover these topics as they relate to provisional applications:
• Their purpose
• The requirements
• Pros and cons of filing provisional applications
• Practical considerations for filing
• Strategies for using provisional applications to build a patent portfolio

Speakers will be Fitch Even attorneys Michael J. Krautner and Conor S. Hunt. Michael has a broad-based practice with significant experience preparing and prosecuting patent applications, managing all stages of IP litigation, and counseling clients on complex IP issues. Conor focuses his practice on domestic and international patent prosecution involving mechanical and e-commerce technologies, as well as on patent evaluation, portfolio management, product clearance, and legal opinions.

There is no fee to attend, but please note registration is required.

Register for the webinar.