Prominent Litigator Murdered; ‘Likely Saved the Lives of Others’

A suspect has been arrested in connection with the stabbing murder of a prominent Illinois litigator.

The victim, Randy Gori, practiced asbestos, benzene and personal injury litigation in both Illinois and Missouri, according to the Belleville News-Democrat.

According to charging documents, Timothy Banowetz, 28, of Missouri, bound the hands of Gori and two minors in Gori’s home before using a knife to stab Gori, killing him. Banowetz stole cash and two cell phones from the victims before fleeing in the stolen car, investigators said.

The commander of the investigation team said that Gori’s last acts “likely saved the lives of others,” referring to the minors who were in the home at the time of the attack.

Investigators have not established a connection between Gori and Banowetz.

Read the News-Democrat article.