2020 Guide: Resolving Legal’s (Internal) PR Problem

PactSafe has published a new guide that outlines different ways a legal department can foster effective cross-departmental relationships. It offers ideas that can be implemented this week, and tips that can plant the seed for more strategic, long-term change.

“Whether your goals are focused on increasing sales velocity, more efficient employee on-boarding, or mitigating risk of a new product, the legal department is often seen as an operational bottleneck and inhibitor of innovation,” PactSafe says on its website. “With 2020 on the horizon, legal needs to refresh its reputation—and understand its unique position to enable innovation—and it starts with better interdepartmental relationships.”

The guide covers:

  • How legal and sales can maintain a united front when closing a deal
  • Why legal and finance need to collaborate better on budget
  • Ways legal and HR can limit risk of employee charges
  • How legal and dev can find common ground in risk management and UX design

Download the free guide.