The Importance of Proportionality under the New FRCP Rules

Exterro has published a new e-discovery case law report titled “The Importance of Proportionality under the New FRCP Rules” that is now available for downloading at no charge.

On its website, Exterro says the main goal of the recent FRCP amendments is to support Rule 1’s demand for a just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution to the dispute at hand. Proportionality is at the core of that notion.

This paper’s four cases cover rulings that push parties to be more proactive in finding ways to reach that resolution while avoiding over-burdensome and expensive production requests.

Included are:

  • Brief case law recaps which get to heart of the e-discovery issues quickly
  • Expert analysis on what these influential court rulings mean for your
    litigation process
  • Tips for meeting updated e-discovery court requirements under the the new FRCP rules

Download the report.