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Polar Vortex Review: Natural Gas Perspectives

By on February 4, 2015 in Energy, Oil & Gas, On-Demand Webinars

Snow sceneICF International experts discuss the polar vortex and its effects on the natural gas industry in a free on-demand webinar.

On its website, ICF says last winter’s polar vortex illuminated ongoing concerns regarding dependence on gas-fired power generation and natural gas infrastructure limitations, particularly in New England. The region experienced high gas and power prices during last winter’s cold snaps; and, because the conditions were not record-breaking, the price impacts further underscored issues associated with the region’s growing infrastructure issues.

The identification of solutions to address these limitations requires a thorough understanding of the full scope of these issues and a detailed understanding of gas deliverability issues. This requires a comprehensive view of the natural gas industry and a nuanced understanding of the portfolio of infrastructure expansion opportunities. The gas market dynamics in New England also raises critical questions for utilities, pipelines, natural gas shippers, and policymakers, the company says.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


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