Opus 2 Magnum Introduces 21st Century Transcript Management for the Modern Law Firm

Opus 2 International, a provider of collaborative workspaces, will focus on the theme “21st Century Transcript Management for the Modern Law Firm” at ILTACON 2015. The theme highlights dramatic changes in today’s legal marketplace as litigation becomes increasingly global and legal team members use mobile devices to collaborate across geographical and jurisdictional borders.

ILTACON will be held at Caesars Palace Las Vegas from August 30 to September 3.

At ILTACON, Opus 2 will showcase new software features and licensing options designed to meet the transcript and evidence management needs of litigation teams at modern law firms, and the company will offer demos of the latest version of its award-winning cloud collaboration platform, Magnum. Released last week, Opus 2 Magnum Version 5.0 includes significant enhancements to its document, exhibit and transcript functionality as well as a streamlined interface that incorporates color-coded way-finding features. In addition, Opus 2 will be releasing “Case Team Collaboration in the 21st Century,” a report based on the results of the 2015 Litigation Practices Survey and which highlights collaborative work product, workflow and technology in litigation.

“The legal marketplace is undergoing a dramatic transformation,” said Graham Smith-Bernal, Opus 2’s founder and CEO. “Globalization and mobility are changing the way attorneys do their jobs, but in many cases legacy tools are holding them back. We created Magnum specifically to address these new realities. Dispersed legal team members need faster, more efficient ways to share and review transcripts and manage key documents online, and many of our latest enhancements to Magnum are focused on these specific functional areas.”

Opus 2’s thematic initiative is part of a series of activities planned by the company for ILTACON 2015. Clare Foley of Opus 2 will be participating in the technology session “Tools That Change the Speed of Legal Service Delivery,” on Sept. 1 at 8:30 a.m. The session will feature Opus 2 Magnum for mobile collaboration across case teams as well as a variety of third-party tools for the modern legal practice.

Opus 2 will be exhibiting at ILTACON 2015 at booth #311. To schedule a meeting at ILTA, contact info@opus2.com. For more information, go to: opus2.com

About Opus 2

Opus 2 is a worldwide legal services company that blends sophisticated cloud technology with court reporting excellence to modernize evidence management during high-stakes matters across the globe—including litigation, arbitration hearings, depositions (US) and government inquiries, the company says in a release. They are also the creators of Opus 2 Magnum a private, cloud-based workspace from which litigators, co-counsel and experts share transcripts, key documents, exhibits, video and research and collaborate on work product for deposition and trial preparation. As experts in capturing testimony and uniting it with key litigation content, their collective team of seasoned consultants, case managers, software developers, technicians and independent court reporters are uniquely positioned to protect the integrity of both the record and the evidence and to deliver intuitive tools for their careful analysis, the release says.