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Onit Hosts Webinar: When the Budget Committee Comes Knocking: Quantifying Project Savings

By on April 12, 2020 in RESOURCE CENTER

Cost savings and operational efficiency have quickly taken center stage in today’s business and social climate. Join us to see a first-look demo of Onit’s new savings calculators, designed to help you estimate potential savings from implementing, or optimizing existing, Enterprise Legal Management (ELM) and Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software. We have also created a calculator to estimate what you can save with Onit’s Apptitude platform technology, which allows customers to rapidly deploy process automation that includes workflow, collaboration, transaction management and reporting.

You’ll also see:
• The benefits quantified in the Onit savings calculators
• A step-by-step sample use case for the Apptitude Automation Platform savings calculator
• How the calculators can help you justify, or keep, budget for software projects
• How implementing CLM or ELM technology could provide potential savings within the first year of implementation
• How we are working with our trusted partners to help you make the most of our savings calculators

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