Disruption in Legal Service Delivery: What it Means and How it Benefits You

Morae LegalMorae Legal has posted a discussion about disruption in legal service delivery, involving Morae Legal Chief Strategy Officer Joy Saphla and Pearson plc Senior Vice President & General Counsel Bjarne Tellmann.

In this conversation, Tellmann asserts that the paradox of the massive increase in necessary legal work due to new legislation and regulation — coupled with fewer jobs for attorneys — is foundation for disruption in the practice.

The discussion focuses on how this disruption has altered legal service delivery, including changes in the models general counsel can use to staff matters and build legal teams in new and creative ways.

The conversation covers:

  • How in-house teams are changing and growing with highly specialized experts.
  • Optimal allocation between in-house and outsourced work.
  • Specific examples Pearson has employed to reduce costs and become more efficient within their legal department.

Download the conversation.