Data Privacy White Paper: 6 Step Health Check

A new white paper from Mitratech titled “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure: A 6-Step Health Check for your Organization’s Data Privacy Program,” is designed to help readers learn more about how to diagnose a company’s security measures.

As security regulations are forming, now is the time to proactively ensure that your company’s private data is safe, Mitratech says. Legal departments can partner with IT to enforce the inevitable guidelines that will be implemented in your organization.

The white paper guides readers through a check of their organization’s data privacy program:

1. Accept privacy change will happen
2. Understand your roles and obligations
3. Implement secure system development life cycle
4. Adjust contractual language
5. Ensure encryption and proper key management
6. Implement software for contracts, policy, and data management

Download the white paper.