Mastercard Names Tim Murphy Chief Administrative Officer

“Mastercard … announced the appointment of Tim Murphy, the company’s general counsel, to the newly created position of chief administrative officer. In this role, he will have oversight of the company’s Law, Franchise and Integrity activities, as well as the added management of its People and Capabilities function,” released MasterCard in their Investor News.

“Michael Fraccaro will continue as chief people officer and a member of the company’s management committee, reporting to Murphy. Together, they will further shape and drive Mastercard’s world-class culture with decency at its core.”

“A 21-year veteran of the company, Murphy has helped to shape Mastercard throughout his tenure, beginning with his role as one of the lead lawyers for the company’s initial public offering. Since then, he has blended business and legal insights and evolution, serving at different times as president of the company’s U.S. region and chief product officer.”

Read the article.