Linking an Invention to the Evidence: Strategic Considerations from Prosecution to Litigation

Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery LLP will present a free webinar, “Linking an Invention to the Evidence: Strategic Considerations from Prosecution to Litigation,” featuring Fitch Even attorneys Mark A. Borsos and Evan Kline-Wedeen.

The webinar will take place on Thursday, April 23, 2020, at 9:00 am PDT / 10:00 am MDT / 11:00 am CDT / 12 noon EDT.

Evidence that others value an invention can be used by a patent owner for many purposes, including demonstrating that the invention was not obvious, or that infringement has damaged and will continue to damage the patent owner. Yet that evidence may be of little value without the ability to tie it to the specific inventions set forth in the claims of a patent. When there are numerous reasons that customers might purchase or desire a product sold by a patent owner or infringer, establishing a nexus between the claims of the patent and real-world evidence becomes complicated.

During this webinar, our presenters will discuss the following:
• Establishing a nexus between evidence of commercial success of real-world products and the patented invention
• Demonstrating a connection between patented features and lost profits
• Proving there is a causal nexus between irreparable harm and the patented invention that justifies an injunction
• Drafting claims with forethought to future evidentiary requirements

CLE credit has been approved for California and Illinois and is pending in Nebraska. Other states may also award CLE credit upon attendee request.

Following the live event, a recording of the webinar will be available to view for one year at

Register for the webinar.