Leverage Contracts to Become a High-Performing Digital Business

SelecticaDocuSign and Selectica participated in a webinar on the effective use of contracts to manage increasing amounts of information and unstructured data across business processes including compliance, legal, procurement, and sales.

That webinar is now available for free viewing on-demand.

Presenters explainthe impact of digital on businesses, so participants can understand why and how corporate law, strategic sourcing, procurement, and IT teams collaborate to utilize contract management solutions to address C-level strategic imperatives including regulatory compliance, driving process efficiencies, and accelerating revenue growth.

They also help participants gain insights on industry trends with research via Selectica, DocuSign, Gartner, Forrester Research, and Spend Matters. Presenters also cover how eSignature enables remote approval on mobile devices, lowers costs, and improves the experience for requesters, approvers, and vendors alike.

Watch the on-demand webinar.