Lessons and Examples from 2021’s HIPAA Breaches and Fines Webinar
Compliancy Group to host annual “Lessons and Examples” webinar in which healthcare breaches and fines are discussed. This webinar examines breaches and fines to determine why they occurred, and how they could have been prevented. Attendees are given actionable tips that they can implement within their business to improve their security and privacy practices.
“Healthcare breaches have continually escalated in both size and frequency. What many businesses fail to realize is that HIPAA compliant organizations are more secure and therefore less likely to be breached. It is also important to note that when a healthcare breach occurs, the organization is investigated by the Department of Health and Human Services to determine if the organization’s negligence caused the breach. When an organization is found negligent, they have violated HIPAA and are subject to costly fines, corrective action, and reputational damage.”
– Marc Haskelson, President and CEO, Compliancy Group.
2021 saw some of the largest breaches and fines in the history of enforcement efforts by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The largest healthcare breach in 2021 affected 3.5 million patients through a cyberattack that exposed long-standing vulnerabilities in the security of a nonprofit’s website. The largest fine issued also involved a nonprofit organization that was fined $200,000 for failing to provide several patients with timely access to their medical records. The lesson from these, security and compliance are equally important, and no organization is safe from breaches and fines unless they are compliant and secure.
The 2021 Breaches and Fines webinar will be held:
January 26, 2022 @ 2PM EST
Join the webinar to get exclusive tips on how to prevent breaches, HIPAA violations, and fines.