Lawyer Sues Barrington Over ‘Unlawful’ Arrest

“An East Providence lawyer who specializes in asbestos litigation is suing the Town of Barrington over his arrest on assault and disorderly conduct charges that were later dismissed,” reports Katie Mulvaney in the Providence Journal.

“John Deaton is accusing his hometown, specific police officers, a lieutenant and retired Police Chief John LaCross of violating his rights, conspiracy, false imprisonment, invading his privacy, and malicious prosecution over his Sept. 24, 2017, arrest following a confrontation at a Pop Warner football game.”

“LaCross and Lt. Timothy Harrington face allegations of failure to supervise, while Officer David Wyrostek stands accused of assault and battery.”

“Deaton alleges that as a result of his ‘unlawful’ arrest he lost more than $3 million in business, incurred legal fees, and suffered irreparable harm to his reputation.”

Read the article.