Lawyer Arrested In Bar Brawl

“Elmhurst police arrested an attorney Saturday after he shoved a woman and a man at a local bar, according to a police report. Ralph R. Storto, 33, of Addison, was arrested about 7:30 p.m. on two counts of battery and one count of criminal trespass to property,” reports David Giuliani in Patch’s Crime & Safety.

“About 7:30 p.m. Saturday, police received a report of an intoxicated man at Fitz’s Spare Keys bar, 119 N. York St., police said. After officers arrived, they said they observed a fight in progress. A victim told police that Storto walked into the bar without a face mask, was asked to leave and shoved her out of his way to gain further access to the establishment, according to the police report. Another victim said Storto then shoved him several times and a fight ensued, police said.”

“Storto was taken to the police station, where he was charged. He was released on bond.”

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