Federal Court Rules Racial Discrimination Lawsuit Against Frisco ISD Can Proceed

A black teacher and coach has won a major victory in his racial discrimination and retaliation lawsuit against the Frisco, Texas, Independent School District following a ruling from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

In a ruling issued June 15, the 5th Circuit found that the former history teacher’s claims were valid under both federal and state law, and should be heard by a jury. The ruling overturned a 2014 summary judgment issued by the U.S. District Court in Sherman that dismissed the case in the school district’s favor.

“Alvin Jackson, who taught world history along with being a basketball and track coach, filed a suit against the Frisco school district in 2012, saying his contract was not renewed because he complained about discrimination and racial hostility at the high school,” reported The Dallas Morning New. “He was the only black coach and core subject teacher at the campus then.”

The Kendall Law Group represented Jackson.

Read the law firm’s release.