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Judge suggests warning label as part of $2 bln plan to limit Roundup claims

By on June 21, 2021 in Litigation-Business

“A U.S. judge suggested on Wednesday that Bayer AG (BAYGn.DE) include a warning label on Roundup as part of a proposed $2 billion settlement to resolve future claims that the top-selling. Bayer asked U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria in San Francisco to give preliminary approval for the settlement deal, which would create a framework to resolve future lawsuits over claims Roundup,” reports Tom Hals in Reuters.

“For years I’ve been wondering why Monsanto wouldn’t do that voluntarily to protect itself, said Chhabria, of a warning label. He said a label would prevent further lawsuits and free up money to create a better offer for people already exposed. He even suggested wording for a label and tweaked it as he got feedback from Bayer’s lawyer.”

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