Jones Day Hires Homeland Security Lawyer… Doesn’t Mention Kidnapped Immigrant Children

“Chad Mizelle was recently the Acting General Counsel of the Department of Homeland Security,” writes Joe Patrice in Above the Law’s Biglaw.

“Entirely unsurprisingly, Mizelle slipped into the firm his wife just vacated with an of counsel title and an opportunity to pretend that every career stain of the last administration never happened.”

“Some of the ‘complicated legal issues’ he failed to successfully navigate involved his former bosses Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli, the DHS ‘officials’ that Trump appointed to head the agency despite a clear legal framework that prevented this. Mizelle’s job was to make the case that Trump could staff the agency with anyone he wanted and the GAO kicked the claim to the curb after, you know, researching it. This prompted Mizelle to respond the way any professional attorney would… by throwing a tantrum and personally insulting the GAO lawyers.”

Read the article.