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Joinder Launches First Dedicated Legal Department Intake Solution for Chat Workspaces

By on August 18, 2021 in Announcements

Joinder, Inc. (Joinder), a solutions-based engagement platform that puts corporate legal departments in control of their deadlines, tasks, and records, today announced the official launch of its newest solution, Joinder Intake. This announcement marks the first dedicated legal department work request solution integrated with Slack, with an upcoming launch for Microsoft Teams.

Don Keller, Joinder CEO, said: “Our clients have consistently identified intake as a point of pain for their legal operations. Handling work requests through email or scattered chat messages is disorganized and inefficient. Joinder’s solution brings order and security to chaos, bringing legal departments closer to their internal clients and demonstrating impressive efficiency.”

With Joinder Intake, any member of a company’s workspace can request legal assistance directly from Slack, with requests collected in a secure Joinder workroom where they can be assigned, tracked, and completed by the legal team.

“Our company uses Slack as our core communication platform, but it’s not well suited for receiving and managing legal requests,” noted Mark Janoff, Chief Business Officer, Brava, and early adopter to the solution. “That’s why I’m excited about Joinder Intake. It will enable our legal team to maintain the ease and simplicity of Slack communications while adding much-needed organization, discipline, and efficiency to the legal request process.”

Joinder Intake is a no-cost solution for Slack workspaces. Companies that register for the solution will also receive a 30-day free trial to the full Joinder app. Legal departments can immediately benefit from Joinder Intake by visiting

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