Intelligent Collection – The Keystone to Efficient e-Discovery

kCurakCura presents an on-demand webinar on how to streamline e-discovery and investigations by empowering legal and business teams during the collection stage.

As data volumes for e-discovery cases continue to scale, the downstream costs and network impact from processing through production are cumbersome. Developing an intelligent strategy at the inception of your case is important in defensibly limiting the scope of e-discovery and its impact on business operations. Collecting the right data and the right amount of data is the key first step in any effective strategy.

This webinar discusses big data trends related to e-discovery, and the common process and technological challenges for IT, business, and legal teams during the collection of electronically stored information (ESI), as well as how to best address them.

The event covers:

  • The business effect of big data in e-discovery
  • Key technological challenges of collection, and best practices for targeting the right data
  • Targeted collection as an e-discovery and information governance strategy

See the webinar.