Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives

Enhancing Contract Intelligence with Collaboration and Analytics

CollaborationIcertis Inc. and the International Association of Contract and Commercial Management present a free on-demand webinar  on the impact of collaboration on the effectiveness of contracting.

“Today, there is a significant focus on improving the quality and availability of information for managing contracts. IACCM research shows that the level of collaboration [internal and external] and visibility has a direct impact on the effectiveness of contracting, especially when things go wrong,” Icertis says on its website. “Addressing these organizational concerns, automation systems are increasingly providing analytics and collaboration functionalities that result in enhanced risk management capability versus being driven by terms and condition compliance.”

This webinar explores these characteristics and the extent to which an improved and holistic view of contract information can contribute to proactive compliance management and effective contract risk reduction.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


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