How a Hard-Charging Lawyer Helped Fuel a Civil War Inside the NRA

Am ugly public fight inside the National Rifle Association has led to an exodus of high-level officials and warring accusations of financial impropriety. At the center of the fray is Brewer, a brash lawyer who has drawn ethics complaints and has a reputation for escalating disputes into pricey legal battles, according to a report in The Washington Post.

William Brewer III emerged as a top counselor to NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre and a victor — for now, at least — in a civil war that he helped set in motion and that is ripping apart the powerful gun lobby, write the Post‘s Carol D. Leonnig and Tom Hamburger.

They explain:

“Several NRA veterans accuse Brewer of instigating an almost Shakespearean feud to protect his bottom line and growing influence. According to internal board correspondence, his small law firm billed $24 million in fees in 13 months — leading top NRA board members to demand early this year that the organization stop paying until they could review the bills.”

Read the Post article.