Hogan Lovells Appoints New Board Members

Hogan LovellsHogan Lovells has elected new partners to its Board.

Ruth Grant takes on the role of London representative, Craig Hoover has been re-elected to one of the “at large” seats, and Cate Stetson has been elected as the representative for the Washington, D.C. area.

Grant replaces Emily Reid, who has stepped down. Hoover, a Litigation partner in the Washington, D.C. office, will rejoin Daniel González and Michael Silver as the other at large representatives. Stetson takes over the Washington, D.C. area post from Helen Trilling. All begin or continue their roles as of 1 May 2015.

The Hogan Lovells Board comprises 12 members in total and has supervisory responsibility for overseeing the affairs of the firm, but without executive responsibility for strategy, management, and operating decisions. It provides input to the CEO and Hogan Lovells’ International Management Committee. Membership of the Board is designed to reflect the broad scope of the business, with members representing a combination of geographic and other backgrounds.

Biographical details on the new Board members:

Ruth Grant is a Litigation partner specializing in dispute resolution work, particularly in the fields of product liability and professional negligence. She has a broad litigation background based on more than 30 years’ experience handling disputes for a variety of commercial clients in the High Court in London and working with U.S. lawyers in proceedings in the United States for UK clients. Ruth is a former London Managing Partner (2005-2009) and firm People Development Partner (2009-2015). She is co-chair of Hogan Lovells Global Diversity Committee and chair of the London Committee. Ruth is also a member of the Solicitors Regulation Authority Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee and the City of London Law Society Training Committee.

Cate Stetson is co-head of the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and Appellate practice group. She has more than 50 arguments to her name, including in the Supreme Court, nearly all federal courts of appeals, and multiple state appellate courts. Her experience spans appeals presenting questions of administrative law and procedure, antitrust law, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the False Claims Act, class certification, civil procedure, and constitutional, contract, copyright, employment, energy, environmental, food and drug, health care, insurance, patent, telecommunications, and tort law. Before joining Hogan Lovells, Stetson served as a judicial clerk to The Honorable Stanley S. Harris of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and The Honorable David S. Tatel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

“I am proud to welcome Cate and Ruth to the Board and look forward to continuing to work with Craig,” said Hogan Lovells Chair Nicholas Cheffings. “The Board plays an important role in the governance of Hogan Lovells, in its relationship with our management team, and in listening to, and representing, the views of partners. The high level of participation in this election process is testament to that.”

From 1 May 2015, the Board will comprise:

Chair (and “at large”): Nicholas Cheffings
CEO: Steve Immelt
Asia/Middle East: Jun Wei
Continental Europe: Leopold von Gerlach
Washington, D.C. area: Cate Stetson
London: Ruth Grant
The Americas: Bill Curtin
The Americas (except D.C.): Miguel Zaldivar
45 and under: Ben Higson
“At large” representatives: Daniel González, Craig Hoover, and Michael Silver

About Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells is a leading global legal practice providing business-oriented legal advice and high-quality service across its exceptional breadth of practices to clients around the world.

“Hogan Lovells” or the “firm” is an international legal practice that includes Hogan Lovells US LLP and Hogan Lovells International LLP. For more information, see www.hoganlovells.com.