Highlights of the Section 45Q Final Regulations

“On January 6, 2021, the IRS issued T.D. 9944 (the “Final Regulations”), which finalizes the proposed regulations under section 45Q (the “Proposed Regulations”) that were issued in REG-112339-19 on May 28, 2020 and discussed in an earlier post. This article summarizes the key ways in which the Final Regulations differ from their predecessor,” reports Judy Kwok in Mintz’ Insights Center.

“The Final Regulations, as with the Proposed Regulations, contain numerous concepts that are roughly transposed, with some innovations, from the section 45 production tax credit (“PTC”) and the section 48 investment tax credit (“ITC”). The highlights of the Final Regulations, as they relate to these broadly applicable concepts, are listed” in the article.

Read the article.