Health Law: ACOs and Commercial Payers

Fredrikson ByronFredrikson & Byron will present a complimentary webinar on on the legal concerns that arise specifically from ACO arrangements in the commercial sphere (outside of the Medicare Shared Savings Program).

The webinar will be Wednesday, Oct. 8, beginning at 1 p.m. Eastern time.

On its website, Fredrikson & Byron says that while ACOs)Accountable Care Organizations) are on relatively firm footing when working with Medicare, most are more interested in commercial business where the legal landscape is far less distinct. Key issues include Stark and Antikickback laws, Antitrust concerns, state insurance laws and tax exemption laws that impact exempt hospitals and key provisions of the provider agreement.

Steve Beck and Laurie Hartman, attorneys in Fredrikson & Byron’s Health Care Group, will make the presentation.

Register for the webinar.