Hanzo Webinar: How To Avoid Inevitable Over-collecting Of Google Workspace (G Suite)

Over collecting data is costly and time-consuming. Existing solutions for Google Workspace (G Suite) provide limited capabilities for targeting collection for discovery, making over-collection inevitable.  Granular control for targeting the scope of collections and powerful culling capabilities enables you to export precisely what you need for legal review. In this session, learn more about how to target your Google Workspace data collections for discovery and see a quick demo of how Hanzo Hold can help.


Dave Ruel, Senior Product Manager, Hanzo

Dave is a Senior Product Manager at Hanzo, a pioneer in the contextual capture, and preservation of dynamic web and collaboration content for corporate legal and compliance departments. Dave has more than 20 years’ experience in software and product development and has spent considerable time in the legal, compliance, and information governance space. He has helped develop a broad range of products and solutions for big data challenges and is passionate about emerging technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and visual analytics.

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