Greenberg Traurig and Alicia Voltmer congratulate Paul Quinn College on its victory

Greenberg TraurigAlicia Sienne Voltmer, of counsel in the Dallas office of global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP, served as lead counsel for Paul Quinn College, a nationally recognized Historically Black College, in the Rebecca Musser v. Paul Quinn College (PQC) case, wherein Musser, a former PQC employee, alleged retaliatory discharge under the federal False Claims Act (FCA). In a matter with facts that spanned an eight-year period, Voltmer secured summary judgment for PQC and Musser appealed.

In an opinion issued this week and designated for publication, the Fifth Circuit affirmed summary judgment for PQC and found that Musser could not establish that PQC’s legitimate, non-discriminatory reasons for her discharge, including poor performance and a reorganization, were pretextual. According to the Court, no reasonable juror could conclude Musser’s firing was due to retaliation for engaging in protected activity.

Learn how this eight-year matter was ultimately resolved.