Standing Up for Justice: Challenging the Erosion of Civil Rights, Diversity and Inclusion

Duane Morris LLP and the Bar Association of San Francisco will present the 7th Annual Citywide Diversity and Inclusion Networking Event and Panel Discussion on “Standing Up for Justice: Challenging the Erosion of Civil Rights, Diversity and Inclusion.”

The event will be in the Duane Morris office at One Market Plaza, Suite 2200, in San Francisco on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019, 5-8 p.m.

The panel will explain and share examples of how they became bias interrupters by making small tweaks to basic business systems (hiring, performance evaluations, assignments, promotions and compensation) that interrupt and correct explicit and implicit bias in the workplace. Instead of approaching diversity initiatives as large-scale culture changes, bias interrupters identify and change the constant flow of bias in basic business systems. Bias interrupters work because they change systems, instead of people.

Opening Remarks :

Doris Cheng, President, Bar Association of San Francisco
Christopher Punongbayan, Executive Director, California ChangeLawyers


Doris Cheng, President, Bar Association of San Francisco
Charles Jung, President, Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Bay Area
Catherine Ongiri, President, Charles Houston Bar Association
Jeff Kosbie, Co-Chair, Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom
Christopher Punongbayan, Executive Director, California ChangeLawyers


Terrance J. Evans, Partner and Co-Chair of the Duane Morris LLP SF Diversity and
Inclusion Committee

Register for the event.