Fired Banker Sues Ex-Employer Over Money, Non-Compete Clause

A former president of Baltimore-based First Mariner’s mortgage division has sued his ex-employer, seeking compensation totaling more than $1 million.

Edward Perry’s suit alleges he was fired without cause Aug. 19 and immediately escorted out of First Mariner, reports The Baltimore Business Journal. The plaintiff also claims the bank didn’t pay him 30 days’ worth of his $325,000 salary promised in a series of employment agreements he signed. The suit also claims he has been denied a full success bonus of up to $750,000.

The Business Journal reports:

In addition, Perry’s suit says he has effectively been banned from working in his field since his dismissal. His employment agreements with First Mariner included two-year, 100-mile non-compete clauses. The bank has refused to certify him able to take a new job with two other companies that offered him positions, it says.

Read the story.