Female Lawyer’s Gender-Bias Suit Challenges Law Firm Pay Practices

Kerrie L. Campbell brought more than two decades of experience in consumer product safety and product defamation litigation when she joined the Washington office of the Chadbourne & Parke in January 2014, but she contends that other Chadbourne partners shut her out of leadership positions and paid her far less than male partners at her level, reports The New York Times.

“After being told this year that she would be terminated, she sued in federal court on Wednesday, asking for a total of $100 million on behalf of herself and other female partners who, she said, receive less compensation than male partners even when they bring in more client revenue,” writes Elizabeth Olson. “A five-man management committee at the firm arbitrarily awards male partners more points, which translate into higher dollar compensation, than they do to women, she maintained.”

In a statement responding to the suit, Chadbourne denied the gender discrimination claims, saying her complaint against the firm is riddled with falsehoods and “will be shown to be completely baseless.”

Read the article.