Federal Appeals Court Sides With Physicians in ‘Docs vs. Glocks’ Case

HandgunThe 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that Florida’s so-called “Docs and Glocks” law, which prohibited doctors from asking patients about guns in the home, violated a physician’s free speech rights, reports The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“The 10-1 decision said the other three elements of Florida’s 2011 Firearms Owners’ Privacy Act were unconstitutional: the ban on asking patients about guns in the home, writing down their answers, and harassing patients,” writes Rhonda Cook.

“In an effort to prevent and reduce firearm-related deaths and injuries, particularly to children, the American Medical Association ‘encourages its members to inquire as to the presence of household firearms as a part of childproofing the home and to educate patients to the dangers of firearms to children,’” the ruling said.

Read the Journal-Constitution article.


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