Webinar: The 5 Scariest Questions Your CEO Could Ask About Your Contracts

Contract managementExari presents an on-demand complimentary webinar about how contract visibility will give you the answers to the questions your CEO should be asking.

In a release, Exari said:

The Hub is all about getting organized.

Imagine your CEO comes to you with a question about which contracts carry the most risk. Or asks you to prepare for an M&A event that afternoon. Pretty scary, right?

In this 45-minute live webinar, Exari Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Jamie Wodetzki, explain the ins and outs of the Hub and what it could mean for your business.

Because not knowing how to respond to the CEO is scary. But not knowing what’s in your contracts is even scarier.

The presenter is Jamie Wodetzki, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Exari.

Watch the on-demand webinar.