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Ex-Kleiner Partner Defeats Firm’s Bid for Personnel Records

By on January 21, 2015 in Employment, Litigation-Business

Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, facing gender-bias claims by ex-partner Ellen Pao, may not get access to her performance reviews, complaints about her and other personnel records it sought from her other employers in a case that has focused attention on discrimination in Silicon Valley, reports Bloomberg News.

The report says Pao asked a state court judge in San Francisco to block demands Kleiner sent to social media company Reddit Inc. for those records and documents relating to an anonymous letter Kleiner’s lawyers said urged them to question Reddit workers about run-ins with Pao.

In a tentative ruling Jan. 20, Judge Charles Geerhart said the firm’s subpoenas targeting records at Reddit, where Pao works now, and BEA Systems Inc., where she was before joining Kleiner, were overbroad or not relevant to the case. Pao’s lawsuit is scheduled for trial on Feb 17, Bloomberg News reports.

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