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Eversheds Sutherland Expands in New York with Renowned Bankruptcy, Restructuring and Insurance Insolvency Partner Peter Ivanick and Counsel Lynn Holbert

By on January 21, 2022 in Announcements

Eversheds Sutherland is pleased to announce that Peter A. Ivanick has joined the Insurance Practice Group as a partner in the New York office, further strengthening the firm’s restructuring, bankruptcy and insurance insolvency capabilities. Additionally, Lynn W. Holbert has joined Eversheds Sutherland in the New York office as counsel. Both are coming from Hogan Lovells, where they had been partner and counsel respectively since 2012, and their arrival comes on the heels of the addition of bankruptcy and distressed debt Partner Patrick Trostle this past November.
“We are thrilled to welcome Peter and Lynn to the firm,” said Mark D. Wasserman, Co-CEO of Eversheds Sutherland. “Their experience and industry knowledge will further the growth of our restructuring practice and will significantly benefit our clients in the US and around the world.”
“Peter is nationally and internationally recognized in bankruptcy, restructurings and state insolvency proceedings in the insurance industry,” said Partner John S. Pruitt, Practice Group Leader Insurance. “They are both skilled practitioners with decades of experience in insurance, which will fit perfectly into our strong regulatory and transactional insurance practice. Additionally, their experience with English law schemes and international insolvencies and restructurings will allow us to further grow our cross-border work for the industry.”
Mr. Ivanick is a renowned bankruptcy, restructuring, and insurance insolvency attorney who has worked on some of the most complex and consequential matters the insurance industry has faced over the past three decades. He is one of the most experienced attorneys in his field and has been a leader in legal innovation in the industry for many years. Clients engage him because his advice is informed by a unique 360-degree view few of his colleagues are able to match. He has represented every type of participant in Chapter 11 proceedings, including debtors, committees, lenders, indenture trustees, trustees and examiners. He also has decades of experience advising debtors, acquirers, reinsurers and reinsureds in state court insurance rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings. While known for his detailed knowledge of bankruptcy litigation, Mr. Ivanick’s forte is resolving large, complex matters through negotiation and mediation.
Ms. Holbert is an experienced insolvency lawyer with a focus on insurance company rehabilitation, supervision and liquidation, federal bankruptcy cases, and out-of-court financial restructurings as well as advice related to mergers and acquisitions, regulatory matters and commercial disputes. She connects the transactional aspects of business with solutions to the insolvency issues to best serve her clients. She has represented major insurers through times of growth and rehabilitation. She has also advised reinsurers and cedents regarding the exercise of contractual rights in insolvency situations and advised financial guaranty associations in resolving guarantees of sub-prime debt. Her experience also includes advising companies on the insolvency concerns that arise in the sale of insurance and reinsurance companies as well as blocks of insurance and reinsurance business and assertion of claims in insurance rehabilitation and liquidation cases. She has also represented both creditors and debtors in major Chapter 11 cases and related litigation, as well as foreign receivers in ancillary cases and in litigation in the United States under both old Section 304 and new Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code.
About Eversheds Sutherland
As a global top 10 law practice, Eversheds Sutherland provides legal services to a global client base ranging from small and mid-sized businesses to the largest multinationals, acting for 70 of the Fortune 100, 61 of the FTSE 100 and 128 of the Fortune 200.
With more than 3,000 lawyers, Eversheds Sutherland operates in 74 offices in 35 jurisdictions across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. In addition, a network of more than 200 related law firms, including formalized alliances in Latin America, Asia Pacific and Africa, provide support around the globe.
Eversheds Sutherland provides the full range of legal services, including corporate and M&A; dispute resolution and litigation; energy and infrastructure; finance; human capital and labor law; intellectual property; real estate and construction; and tax.
Eversheds Sutherland is a global legal practice and comprises two separate legal entities: Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP (headquartered in the UK) and Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP (headquartered in the US), and their respective controlled, managed, affiliated and member firms. The use of the name Eversheds Sutherland is for description purposes only and does not imply that the member firms or their controlled, managed or affiliated entities are in a partnership or are part of a global LLP. For more information, visit

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