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Environmental Forensic Investigation of Hydraulic Fracturing

By on July 30, 2014 in Energy, On-Demand Webinars will present a free webinar about the sampling, sample preparation, and analysis of hydraulic fracturing materials.

The webinar will be Thursday, August 28, beginning at 11 a.m. Eastern time.

According to the presenter’s website, this presentation will address the sampling, sample preparation, and analysis of hydraulic fracturing materials in an effort to develop an understanding of the chemical composition of post-fracking fluids so that source identification and source apportionment may be successful in the event of a release. Additionally, a better understanding of the chemical composition of these fluids may facilitate on-site or near-site bioremediation. Various sample preparation strategies will be discussed, and GC–TOF-MS and GCxGC–TOF-MS will be used as determinative techniques. Finally, data will be presented that may allow for the development of protocols to determine the composition of these fluids and, possibly, the source of any pollution events.

Get more information and register for the webinar.

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