Enhance Your Compliance & Ethics Knowledge

Join SCCE September 14-16 for our first ever virtual Compliance & Ethics Institute. Hear from industry professionals on emerging trends and hot topics with 100+ sessions across 11 subject areas. New lower pricing available!

Don’t Miss these General Sessions:

Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 Panel – Justin Ross, Blair Marks,
Art Weiss, Adam Turteltaub

Experienced compliance professionals share lessons learned from the pandemic and how to strengthen compliance programs for a post-pandemic world.

Fraud Is Not a Trade Secret: A Conversation
with Tyler Shultz

Tyler Shultz and Rebecca Jarvis
Hear directly from the whistleblower who helped expose Theranos, and gain insight into what to watch out for in your own organization.

Why We Act: Turning Bystanders into
Moral Rebels

Catherine Sanderson
Learn why so many people standby when they
see wrongdoing and what it takes to get them to come forward.

Fostering a Culture of Compliance
Culture Panel – Tiffany Archer, Susan Roberts, Adelle Elia, Jacki Cheslow
Culture is crucial for compliance success, but with workers at home new challenges abound. Learn how compliance and culture experts are meeting this challenge.

Additional registration discounts apply for SCCE & HCCA members. Group discounts are also available.

Register now.