Employment Law Trends and Issues to Watch in 2021

“With 2020 quickly coming to an end after an unforgettable and unprecedented amount of events, we are ready to look at what changes we expect to take place in 2021. We are also ready to determine how any change can have a potential impact on employees and employers,” writes Villaume & Schiek in their Blog.

“Every year, businesses and organizations struggle to stay on top of the latest employer regulations and the current workplace issues. Unfortunately, 2020 has been no different. Local laws, state laws, and federal laws are not staying the same, and social issues continue to impact the workforce and the entire world.”

“The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC)’s Strategic Enforcement Plan extends through the year 2021. This plan outlines all of its priorities for the upcoming year. In this plan, one of the key areas that was focused on is the emerging and trending workplace issues. Workplace issues continue to be a major topic of discussion, and this topic can be difficult to discuss.”

Read the article.