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Emoluments Clause Lawsuits Could Expose Trump Tax Filings

By on June 16, 2017 in Administrative Law, Commercial, Government

Lawsuits against President Trump for alleged violations of the foreign emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution could result in the pretrial production of his personal tax returns, explains Paul Barrett for Bloomberg Businessweek.

“The plaintiffs say one of their first steps will be to demand, via pretrial discovery, copies of Trump’s elusive personal tax filings,” Barrett writes. “How better to assess the scope of the president’s international business affairs—and perhaps to discover why he has hidden his returns so defiantly?”

Trump’s refusal to divest himself of his business empire led to the suits, partly based on the use of Trump International Hotel in Washington by representatives of the governments of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Georgia.

Read the Bloomberg article.



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