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Three Dynamics Reshaping Renewables and the Grid

By on April 3, 2015 in Energy, On-Demand Webinars

A webinar from DNV GL revealed findings from the firm’s global industry-wide survey “Beyond Integration” and shed light on three dynamics reshaping renewables and the grid for the energy transition.

DNV GL gathered views from more than 1,600 energy sector participants across 71 countries on a scenario in which renewables account for 70% of power sector generation. The results shed light on three dynamics reshaping renewables and the grid for the energy transition.

DNV GL’s Fliss Jones, principal author of our new Beyond Integration report, hosted the webinar to explore the findings of the research and the startling implications for electricity market participants across the world.

Fliss was joined by leading Energy Storage expert Dr. Ali Nourai and Future Grid visionary Peter Vaessen, who will explore what our findings mean for the future of electricity.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


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