Disbarred Lawyer in Hot Water Over Unpaid $600,000 Restitution

A disbarred Connecticut lawyer who owes more than $600,000 for stealing money from a client was given a dressing down by a frustrated Stamford judge who was angered that the man had paid less than $400 in restitution in five years, reports the Stamford Advocate.

Benson Snaider pleaded guilty to felony charge of first-degree larceny in 2012 for misappropriating an $800,000 check written by the city in 2005 for what turned out to be the partial payment for property to make way for the Stamford Urban Transitway, John Nickerson writes. Snaider received a five-year probated sentence and was ordered to pay $680,000 in restitution.

A court earlier found him to be in violation of his probation because he had maid only $180,000 in restitution payments.

Read the Stamford Advocate article.


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