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Cybersecurity Terms from A to Z

By on October 17, 2020 in Contracts

“As the world changes in unexpected ways, cybersecurity threats evolve and become more sophisticated. Cyberattackers have used the global pandemic to take advantage of individual and system vulnerabilities, giving rise to a dramatic increase in socially engineered phishing scams and ransomware. The FBI recently reported that the number of complaints about cyberattacks to their Cyber Division is up to as many as 4,000 per day, representing a 400 percent increase from pre-coronavirus. Interpol also reported seeing an alarming rate of cyberattacks aimed at major corporations, governments, and other critical infrastructure,” discusses a post on Michael Best’s Newsroom.

“In striving to mitigate our risks and in recognition of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, below are some A-Z cybersecurity terms with which to become familiar so that we can continue our dialogue and improve our collective response to these risks.”

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