COVID Relief and Appropriations Act Includes Major Climate Change and Energy Provisions

“On December 27, 2020, President Trump signed H.R. 133, the ‘Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021,’ an agglomeration of dozens of individual pieces of legislation which together total nearly 6,000 pages. While general press coverage has mostly focused on the controversy concerning the size of relief checks that will be sent to most taxpayers, and on appropriations to prevent a federal government shutdown, the Act contains substantial, and potentially historic, provisions addressing energy, climate change, and sustainability. The Act helps lay the groundwork for what promises to be a major push towards renewable energy sources and reductions in greenhouse gases (GHGs). These developments create a tremendous opportunity for renewable energy and GHG reduction projects, but also create new compliance burdens across a variety of industries,” write Eric L. Christensen, Brook J. Detterman Aron H. Schnur, Allyn L. Stern and Deepti B. Gage in The National Law Review.

For a summary and key takeaways, read the article.