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Some of the Surprising Ways Technology Will Affect Future Negotiations

By on March 8, 2016 in Computers & Technology, Contracts

There has been a lot of discussion about how new technologies such as online negotiation and contract management software are changing the process of getting deals done – either from a legal, sales or procurement perspective, ContractRoom says on a post on its website. Most of this has focused on how it’s accelerating the process and making it more streamlined.

But how will new technology transform future negotiations in situations where companies do not want to move more quickly and for various reasons want to use various different negotiation techniques?

Some companies prefer to take a manual approach because they perceive this provides them with a strategic advantage – by “slow-rolling” the process they believe it makes it more likely they will secure a better deal.

ContractRoom had a discussion with Stanford Law School Professor David Johnson, an expert in negotiation practice, theory and training (, and asked him for his thoughts on how technology is changing the negotiation space. He was of the view that contract management software “is changing the way negotiation is done because policy can be more uniformly implemented across contract admins or your point person.”

Read the article.


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