Contract Logix Helps Customers Rapidly Digitize Contracts and Processes

Contract Logix announced triple-digit percentage growth in usage of its products as customers rapidly digitize contracts and business processes. Organizations across all industries are adopting Contract Logix’s platform to automate and digitize their contract lifecycle management (CLM) for the purpose of mitigating legal and financial risk, while maximizing corporate and regulatory compliance.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were forced to work remotely, with fewer resources, and on more cross-functional teams, Contract Logix’s customers found that its data-driven tools were uniquely positioned to help them digitally and intelligently manage contracts in today’s “new normal” operating environment. One year into the pandemic, the company continues to see triple-digit percentage growth in the number of contract requests, triggered workflows, and tasks, as well as quadruple-digit percentage growth in the number of electronic signatures that customers manage with its software.

This skyrocketing adoption represents clear and convincing evidence that executing digital transformation strategies continues to be a top priority for Legal, Procurement, Sales, Finance, and IT organizations, and that CLM plays a foundational role in these efforts.

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