Clash Between Courtroom Legends Features Lawsuits, Accusations, Secretly Taped Call

As they reach an age when other esteemed elder statesmen of the bar might be basking in acclaim for their life’s work, 78-year-old David Boies and 80-year-old Alan Dershowitz are brutally yoked in a subplot of the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking case, reports The Washington Post.

Boies and his partners at Boies Schiller Flexner represent one of Epstein’s accusers. That client has alleged that Epstein lent her for sex to his friends, including Dershowitz, according to the Post‘s article.

The accuser and her lawyers portray Dershowitz, who has never been charged with a sex crime, as a liar and a sneak who secretly recorded a call with a fellow lawyer, write the Post‘s Tom Jackman, Deanna Paul and Manguel Roig-Franzia.

Dershowitz has painted Boies as a corrupt attorney with a long trail of ethical lapses, a cheat and the head of a criminal enterprise.

Read the Post article.