North American Propane and Butane Demand, Markets and Pricing

ICF International will present a webinar on how North American natural gas liquids (NGL) markets find a new balance in the era of shale-gas associated production boom.

The webinar will be Tuesday, Sept. 30, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time.

On its website, ICF says the rapid turnaround in the region’s fortunes — from a significant importer to the world’s largest exporter — has resulted in great opportunities for some market participants and daunting challenges for others. As the shakeout continues, ICF experts have continued to work with the industry to address these key issues.

Additional webinar discussion topics include:

  • How does the market balance the needs of retail consumers, petchems, and exporters?
  • How does planned export capacity align with available supply?
  • How are changes in infrastructure impacting propane markets?
  • What is the need and the outlook for propane storage?
  • Where will butane and pentane production find a home?
  • What is the outlook for prices?

Register for the webinar.

Can Shale Gas Go Global?

Energy CollectiveThe Energy Collective has posted a free on-demand webinar about the potential for countries around the world to develop their natural gas production from shale formations and the implications that development could have for developers in the United States.

On its website, the Energy Collective says countries across the globe are now looking to the United States to see if they should develop their shale gas resources. Cheaper natural gas is shifting the geopolitical power balance between the EU and Russia. China’s shale reserves are supposedly larger than those in the US, with Argentina not far behind. Countries like Mexico, South Africa and Australia could also benefit. But will the myriad risks, from increased carbon emissions to water contamination and potential earthquakes, outweigh the benefits?

With the political, social and economic fallout still up in the air, The Energy Collective hosted a webcast focused on exploring what this means.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


Shale Gas Future: Global Distribution and Industry Impacts

Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering magazine has posted a free on-demand webinar on the distribution of shale across the globe and the enormous petroleum resources they represent.

The webinar will discuss what has been learned about the economics of drilling key shale plays in North America that might inform shale exploration and development elsewhere in the world. I also will address the areas around that world that represent “shale frontiers.”

Other topics include the important considerations for exploration, well planning and development in shale deposits and how they differ compared to those for conventional petroleum; the environmental implications of global shale development; the differences in data gathering and technical analyses for conventional versus unconventional petroleum deposits; products that are limited by the shift toward cracking lighter feedstocks; and the opportunities available for on-purpose production of those limited products.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


Eliminating the Top 5 HSE & Quality Risks in Oil & Gas

Environmental XPRTEnvironmental XPRT offers a 30-minute complimentary on-demand webinar on the top five health, safety and environment risks in the oil and gas industry.

Oil and gas industry professionals must juggle competing and complex priorities on a daily basis, Environmental XPRT says on its website. From conducting inspections to maintaining compliance with countless regulations, it can be difficult to proactively manage all of your HSE and quality risks while also ensuring the success of your day-to-day operations and the safety of your workers.

“To successfully address the top HSE and quality risks you face, you need the right strategies, policies and procedures in place,” the site says.

See the on-demand webinar.

Will Natural Gas Storage Go From Worst To Best In a Decade?

Shaleforum.comShould consumers begin to worry about the gas industry having adequate supplies for next winter?  In a post on, publisher Keith Mauck says he thinks not.  In fact, it is possible that the industry may go from lowest level of gas storage inventory to the best in the past decade, which speaks to important underlying industry trends, he says.

The storage injection pace is strong, he points out.

“Measured against the total volume of gas injected during the 2003 injection season, the industry so far this year has been able to inject up to this point 63% of the total volume injected during all of 2003,” Mauck writes.  “That is positive, but it must be pointed out that at this point we have had 18 weeks of injection leaving 13-14 weeks remaining, or 42-44% of the season.  On that basis, it seems that during this injection season the industry has been keeping up with the pace of gas injected into storage during 2003.  If we continue that pace we will end the injection season with 3,406 Bcf of gas in storage – a healthy supply.”

Read the article.


Safety Simplified: Oil & Gas Onsite Inspections

IntelexIntelex offers a free on-demand webinar on conducting highly effective onsite observations and how to capitalize on the information gathered.

The webinar is hosted by Hosted by Intelex’s Steve Buffett.

You need to protect your workers and the public throughout the entire lifecycle of your project, while complying with the relevant regulations, Intelex says on its website. Onsite observations are a critical piece of this puzzle, especially when you know how to capitalize on the information you gather in your onsite inspections.

Key topics covered include:

  • Behavior based strategies for ensuring that you ace your next audit
  • How to get consistent, reliable data from onsites conducted by multiple inspectors across multiple locations
  • Making the most of your observations by discovering trends in at-risk behaviors
  • Simple tactics for identifying and acting on the metrics you can use to improve safety performance
  • Leveraging technology to increase the efficiency and reliability of your onsite safety management program

See the webinar now.

Well Delivery Webinar: Solution for Unconventional Drilling / Shale Plays

SigmaFlowSigmaFlow will offer a well delivery solution webinar for upstream oil and gas exploration and production on Friday, August 15, at 10:30 a.m. Central time.

Webinar attendance will be limited to oil and gas company employees.

SigmaFlow’s Well Delivery Solution streamlines and manages scheduling, operations, and reporting to maximize value from well creation through drilling.

In this hour-long discovery webinar, SigmaFlow’s Director of Client Services, Joe Hanttula, will discuss the SigmaFlow Well Delivery and Rig Scheduling Solution for upstream oil and gas exploration and production.

This webinar will feature a high-level overview of solution capabilities, an in-solution demo, and a live Q&A.

Key points that will be discussed during this webinar include:

  • Standardized process execution & ad-hoc tasks
  • Multi-schedule management for asset & rig scheduling, accurate status visibility, and forecasting
  • SigmaFlow as the “Time System of Record”
  • Dashboards & analytical reporting capabilities
  • Integrations & the SigmaFlow deployment process

Register for the webinar.

Information Governance Done Right – Oil & Gas

FileTrailFileTrail and Doculabs will offer a series of webinars on empowering organizations to integrate effective information governance policies.

The 30-minute webinar will be Thursday, July 17, beginning at 1 p.m. Eastern time.

The webinar series will cover six types of industries: oil & gas, legal, pharmaceutical, financial services, government and insurance. The first one will cover oil & gas.

The webinar will help participants:

•  Learn why leading Oil and Gas organizations are taking Information Governance seriously

•  Hear lessons learned from real life client engagements

•  Gain insight and advice to get your Information Governance efforts on track

Register for the webinar.


Energy Markets via Satellite: Is There a Market Beyond Deep-Water?

NSRNorthern Sky Research (NSR) will present a free webinar on the role satellite services will play in the evolving oil & gas industry. The event will be Wednesday, July 30, beginning at 10 a.m. Eastern time.

NSR’s ongoing coverage of the energy market moves beyond deep-water, and explores some of the easy to overlook trends in the onshore sector, the mining industry, and electrical utilities.  From pipelines to smart grids, mining and onshore O&G, opportunities exist across the energy vertical in all corners of the world – more than just deeper waters served by legacy services.

While there remains steady opportunity in legacy Oil & Gas offshore regions, the onshore O&G market is not standing still – with onshore rig utilization rates at all-time highs, and pipeline construction continuing across the globe.  The mining industry continues to focus on improving operational efficiencies through data-centric monitoring, processing, and control.  Meanwhile, electrical utilities continue to focus on improving their own operations in all reaches of the world, from smart grid initiatives to building the next-generation of communications infrastructure supporting higher uptake of renewable generation.  Overall, the energy industry continues to move into a data-centric, data-hungry environment where satellite services will play a key role.

Join NSR as it explores markets beyond Offshore and Oil & Gas – from mining to smart grids and from M2M, FSS, and HTS.

This webinar will answer the following critical questions:
• Is there really a market beyond offshore?  Although activity has traditionally focused on North America for Onshore E&P O&G – is there an opportunity for satellite services to catch the next fracking boom?  Do pipelines present a better opportunity?
• Will activity shift away from traditional hot-spots?  Is there an emerging Asia-Pacific Opportunity?
• Can HTS drive a change in how end-users consume satellite services?  Is there an end in-sight for traditional FSS capacity?

This webinar is intended for:
• Satellite Service Providers & Satellite Operators
• Satellite Equipment Manufacturers
• Energy-market Players
• Anyone seeking to understand the Energy satcom market beyond Offshore O&G

Register for the webinar.


Building a Strong Information Governance and eDiscovery Framework

DLT SolutionsAn on-demand webinar discusses the increasing challenges for agencies to handle data management.

DLT Solutions and Symantec host the webinar titled “Building a Strong Information Governance and eDiscovery Framework.”

Recent budget cuts have increased challenges for agencies to manage data management, said a DLT Solutions spokesman. While many organizations have focused on the increasing cost of data storage, perhaps more significant are the costs and risks of managing the data. This includes identifying, preserving, processing, analyzing, and producing data for internal investigations, FOIA requests, and legal eDiscovery needs.

This on-demand webinar focuses on the public sector benefits of building a solid information governance foundation within agencies. A proper foundation will not only help manage the lifecycle and growth of data, it also plays a critical role with agency eDiscovery, Records Management, Freedom of Information Act, Internal investigators, and Information Technology stakeholders.

  • Principals from the Sedona Conference’s latest commentary on Information Governance
  • The importance of building a proper information governance framework and how it impacts individual data stakeholders
  • How the Presidential Records Management Directive 2016  Goal for managing all e-mail records electronically is affected by information management processes and policies
  • How to leverage Symantec’s suite of information management, backup and recovery, and eDiscovery solutions to build a solid information governance foundation and meet the 2016 electronic email records management goal

See the webinar.

Tracking and Controlling Costs in Oil and Gas Industry

JournyxJournyx is providing a free on-demand webinar for oil and gas professionals that explains how time and expense software can help track and control costs at the source, provide insights on the spot and help to truly understand project costs.

Mike Pearman of Chaparral Energy is the presenter for the webinar.

Chaparral uses Journyx as a database for time tracking, equipment utilization reporting and DOT reporting. Journyx project, time and equipment tracking software gives oil and gas companies the data needed to understand costs better at the source on a per-well basis.

See the webinar.

About Chaparral Energy
Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Oklahoma City, Chaparral is an independent oil and natural gas exploration and production company and one of the largest oil producers in the state of Oklahoma. The company has capitalized on its sustained success in the Mid-Continent area in recent years by expanding its holdings to become a leading player in the liquids-rich northern Oklahoma Mississippian and the oil-rich Panhandle Marmaton plays. Chaparral is also the third-largest CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) producer based on active projects. This position is underscored by its activity in the world-class North Burbank Unit in Osage County, Oklahoma, which is the largest oil recovery unit in the state.

About Journyx
Journyx builds software tools that help customers spend their time on things that matter. Founded in 1996, Journyx offers customers two solutions: Journyx – project, time and expense tracking software – and Journyx PX – resource management software that provides work and financial forecasting for a complete picture of project and budget status, employee time and availability. Journyx has thousands of customers worldwide, including Chaparral Energy, Schlumberger, BP, Crate&Barrel, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Callaway Golf, Honeywell and many others.